Thursday, August 27, 2009
Abusive Relationships
Monday, August 24, 2009
speek 1 discussion questions
she feels so out of order, she thinks that she sticks out really bad
Examine the meanings of the “clans” and the prevalence of high school cliques. Why do we sometimes not like people who are really good at things, like sports, music, art, or school? Is this fair? Are adults like this? there are a lot of cliques at school, we dont like other people that are good at things because we get jealouse of them, adults can be like that sometimes
Discuss the “first ten lies they tell you in high school.” Compare with your first day. So you think Melinda’s assumption that they are “lies” is valid?
they tell you that they will be there to help you, when she thinks that they most certainly wont. i think that in a way they do tell lies about being there for you
Examine Melinda’s characterization of the teachers. What do these descriptions reflect?
she doesnt like her teachers too much, they judge her just as bad as the students she thinks
Discuss Mr. Freeman’s approach to teaching art. Have you had similar experiences in classes with this type of teaching style?he wants you to paint and draw from your heart, i dont know anyone like that
Discuss Melinda’s home life. How does communication break down in Melinda’s family? What could each person do to improve it? If you were a parent, how would communication be in your family?she hardely talks to her parenst, she deosnt tell them what is going on at school,well i hate talkin to my parents. so i would just let them come talk when they think they need to
Discuss the interaction between Melinda and Heather. Are they friends? What brings them together? melinda thinks heather is anoying, but they are friends, heather is the only person that is nice to melinda
Are we sometimes different people on the outside than we are in the inside? How? Why is this true, do you think?yes this is VERY TRUE!!! most people are just stuck up. you cant judge a book by its cover
Friday, August 21, 2009
speak vocab
the construstion worker used obscene language when he hit his thumb with a hammer.
- the reaction from the punch was obscene.
2.abstinence- denying self any form of indulgence, appetite, or craving
many catholics practice abstenence from various foods, pastimes, or indulgences as part of the season of lent.
- IN church, we learned about abstanence.
3.savant- a person of learning, especially one with detailed knowledge in same specialized field.
the young man was considered a savant because he was a mathmatical genious at an early age.
- my brother is a savant, he sciped three grades.
4. thespian- dramatic actor
the international thespian society is an honorary organization for high school and middle school theatre students.
- there are a lot of thespian girls at my school.
5.fascism- a political philosophy, movement, or regime ( as the fascists) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a government headed by a dictatorial leader.
Adolf hitler was appointed chancellor in 1933, and quickly established a totalitarian and fascist dictatorship.
- The president made a fascist decision.
6.predator- one that preys, destroys, or devours.
to human predators, you are prey, and they have no conscience about harming or killing others.
- when i go huning, i am the predator.
7.indoctrination- instruct, with doctrines,theories, beliefs can also be brainwashing.
cult leaders often indoctrinate their followers with beliefs that give the leaders a place of power over them.
- when you stop going to school in causes indoctrination, you lose all your knowlegde.
8.morphing- a special effect process used in film or video production in which persons of objects seam to change shape, form, etc., in a smooth way, created in a digital environment.
the movie willow ( 1988), introduces the echnique of morphing and trasnforming a goat into a woman.
- in a lot of fiction movies, you will see morphing. tramatis stress disorder- PTSD is an anxiety disorder that occurs in the aftermath of a troumatis event. examples are combat, rape, and natural disorder. PTSD is diagnosed six months after the troumatis event. Three mayjor symptoms are: heightened, startle response, easily scared and irritatibility.
- my sister was suffering from PTSD after she got raped.
10.potpourri- a mixture of flowers, herbs, and spices that is usually kept in a jar and used for scent.
- we got potpourri to put in our house, because it was so plain looking on the inside.
11.paparazzi- a freelance photographer who aggressively pursues celebrities for the purpose of taking candid photographs.
the poparazzi surrounding Lindsey Lohan when she wrecked her Mercedes and was falling out of the car because she was impaired.
- every time i go out in public, i see people, and it feels like they are paparazzi because they wont leave me alone.
12.inspiration- an inspiring or animatiny acton or influence: i cannot writ poety without inspiration.
- when i am writting my poems, the thing that inspires me is boys, and how i feel about them.
13.expiration-a coming to am end, termination, close.
- the expiration on my milk had come to an end.
14.floundering- to make clumsy attempts to move or regain ones balance.
- i am very floundering when i walk to my classes every day.
15.blathers- to talk without making sense.
- sometimes i will catch myself blathering, and i have to stop myself and correct my speach.
16.interim- a temporary arrangement, stopping , make stiff. the company had an interim CED after the original one was fired for taking huge bonuses durring an economic recession.
- we had to get an interim to teach math, because our teacher is very sick.
17.drones- a male bee, especially a honey bee, that is characteristically stingless,performs no work, and produces no honey. its only function is to mate with the queen bee.
2. an idle person who lives off others, a loafer.
3. a person who does tedious or menial work; a drudge
- My friend is a drone, he practically lives off of my mother and i.
18.xenophobic- a person who is very fearfullor disliking of foreigners, people frm other countries, or strangers.
- I am pretty certain that my geology teacher is xenophobic, he gets really sketchy around certain people.
19.sun shadow mandala- mandalas are symbolic, circular designs that represent outer(sun) and inner (shadow) dinensions of a persons personality.
- in avid last year, we made sun shadow mandalas that represent us.
20.redemption- the act or process of redeeming or the state of being redeemed.
- in church, we talk about redemption.
21.redeem- to buy or pay off; to rocover what has been lost; to discharge in full; to deliver from sin and the consequences by means of a sacrifice offered for the sinner.
- when my father died, i had to redeem myself, and now i am finaly back up on my feet.
22.abysmal- extremely or hopelesly bad ot severe:abysmal ignorance, abysmal poverty
- the presure being put on me was so abysmal, it drove me insane.
23.demure- characterized by shyness and modesty; reserved
- people often classify me as demure, they think i am too shy.
24.begoted- utterly intolerant of any creed, belief, or opinion that deffers from ones own.
- the science teacher was extremely begoted, she had no tolerance.
25.asphyxiated- to cause to die or lose consciousness by impairing normal breathing, as by gas or other noxious, choke, suffocate, smother.
- the girl was so upset about the boy breaking her heart, that she asphyxiated herself.
26.classical- of or pertaining to, or characteristic of greek and roman antiquity
- at my school, every year, we do the same old classical play.
27.cubism- a style of painting and sculpture developed in the early 20th century, characterized be the emphasis of formal structure- geometrical shapes.
- in art class, we are studying the art of cubism.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
abuse scenario
One form of abuse is physical abuse. This is where some one is hitting you so hard to where it is leaving bruses. Other ways to physically abuse some one is to burn them. This mostley happens to children under the age of twelve and women who are married to controling men. When you are getting physically abused, it is good to tell some one that can help. Although you may be scared, it is still good to get help.
Another form of abuse is mental abuse. This one is very common rightnow. The way you mentally abuse a person is you play mind games with them. You tease them in cruel and twisted ways. Its horrible!!!!! Thats what i think about abuse.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Discussion Questions- harrison bergeron, kurt vonnegut jr.
you should fight for what you believe in
2. what do you think harrison's rebellion reviels about his character and values??
he fights for what he thinks is right, he goes against the rules because he knows it will make a difference.
3. what conclusins can you draw about the society in which the characters live in??
they want everyone to be equal in every way possible!
4. what do you think vonnegut might be trying to say about todays society and the role of government can play in achieving equalities among people? at what point does the government go too far???
that even today, the government is making unfair laws, and not even abiding by them. for example, making retired people that dont have children or grandchildren in school pay taxes, its not right for them to pay for school thats not being used.
5. in what ways is there tension between equality and opertunity in our country today??
there is racism and critisysm in our country that we really need to work out.
harrison bergeron, kurt vonnegut Jr vocab
yesterday, in math, a man came to calibrate the smart board.
2. consternation- sudden, alarming, amazement resulting in confusion.
i was startled be the consternation of the boom outside my window.
3. cower- crouch, recoil, flinch
the small mice cower in the corners of the dark alleys.
4. hindrance- stopping, preventing
there were police everywhere trying to hinderance the flow of trafic.
5. luminous- radiating or reflecting light.
the shiny piece of metal was luminous, you could see light on the roof of the car.
6. symmetry- equal proportions
in math, we studied about lines of synnetry.
7. synchranizing- causing to work or opperate at the same time; unison
my parents tought me that i should synchranise with others.
8. vague- unclear
the video was quite vague about the bank robery, so the police never found the crooks.
9. vigilance-watchful, alert, paying attention
the black cat outside my window is very vibilance with every move i make.
10. wince- to draw back or tense the body as if experiencing pain.
when i swung at the dog, it winced a little.
MariahBeck Brochure
Its springtime, early morning, on the farm of Mr. John Arable. Newborn pigs have arrived. Fern awakes for breakfast in awe to find her pa has gone outside with an ax. Fern quickly finds out and makes a mad dash out to her pa to beg him not to kill it. She felt as though it was a terrible case of injustice to kill something because it was small. Mr. Arable decides to let Fern raise this runt and get a taste of what raising an animal is all about. And so our story begins with this small runt pig that Fern named Wilbur. Fern loves Wilbur and treats him just like a newborn baby.Rising Action:
After Wilbur has outgrown his place at Mr. Arable’s place, he has been moved to Mr. Zuckerman’s farm…where he becomes sad. Fern visits all the time to watch Wilbur. Wilbur becomes friends with many farm animals. One in particular is Charlotte, a large spider. Charlotte encourages Wilbur to perk up and be proud and she builds him up with complimentary words in her web. These words and the actions of Wilbur, bring attention and crowds of people to the farm. It also brings happiness to Wilbur
The big fair, Wilbur and the other pigs and some farm animals are moved to the county fair for viewing. Wilbur has been brought to reality that his fate is to be sold and slaughtered.
Falling Action:
Charlotte, who Wilbur loves and adores, is getting older and her time is near. Charlotte breaks the news to Wilbur, who just does not understand why. Wilbur cries and is extremely upset about the reality that his beloved Charlotte will soon die.
Charlotte did not tell Wilbur everything. Wilbur sobbed and sobbed, but Charlotte had laid her bed, and Templeton wanted to eat it, but that was not going to happen. Charlotte had these wonderful things left behind….her babies. Wilbur was so excited to still have something of Charlotte and was pleased when some decided to stay with him.
Written by:
E.B. White
Brochure by:
Mariah Beck
4th Period
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Discussion Questions
-if you have a pet, then you know it will always love you.
2.what is the significance of the cat's mane Pluto?
-dark, distant, cold, small
3.why did the narrator initially restrain himself from maltreating the cat while maltreating other animals?
-he was not a full blone alchohlic at the time.
4.why does he eventually mistreat the cat?
-he looses his restraint
5.describe the narrators feelings after abusing the cat. why is it significant?
-unbothered, he cant hold himself back does the narrator define "perverseness"? do you agree with the deffinition? do you agree that it is human nature?
-evil thoughts that go on in his head, no, they can be both
7. discuss the significance of the following quoe " i hung it because i knew that it had loved me, and because i felt that it had given me no reason of offense; because i knew that in doing so i was commiting a sin."
-he was trying to hide his guilt
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
vocab words
There will be no soliciting durring school hours.
2. mad-mentaly disturbed;deranged; insane; demented
Sally got mad at me because i was talking to her ex boyfriend.
3. succinct- expressed in few words;concise;terse
When the couple broke up, they had a very succinct discussion.
4. phantasm- an illusory likeness of something
A mother and her doughter has a great deal ofphantasm.
5. docile- easily managed or handled
The little kids that i babysit are very docile.
6. disposition- the predominant or prevailing tendancy of one'sspirits;natural mental and emotional outlook or mood; characteristic attitude
I know many people who have a dispositon about school.
7. sagacious- having or showing keen discernment, and sound judgment
The movie producers have sagacious arguments about their movies.
8. paltry- lacking in importance or worth; trivial
In highschool, the kids will point you out as paltry.
9.gossamer- something delicate, light, or flimsy
The ring my dad gave my mom is very gossamer.
10. fidelety- faithfullness to obligations, duties, or observances
The cheerleaders on our team are supposed to be fidelety about cheerleading.
11. procure- to get by special effort; obtain or acquire
The children all procure in school.
12.allusion- the act of alludong;inderect reference
In the dessert, you may tend to see allusions.
13. intemperance- excessive use of alchoholic beverages
My uncle is a man of intemperance.
14.maltreat- to treat in a rough or cruel way; abuse
My ex boyfriend used to maltreat me.
15. scruple- a moral or ethical consideration or standard that acts as a restraining force or inhibits certain actions
The teachers scruple against the students.
16. malevolence- ill will;malice; hatred
Why do you have malevolence against me?
17. atrocity- the quality of being extreemely or shockingly wicked, cruel, or brutal
The women are atrocious.
18. debauch-a period of wantom self- indulgence, an excessive party which includes consumption of alchohol.
We are going to have a debauch party this friday night.
19. sentiment- a mental feeling, emotion
Everyone has sentiment, expecially when they are sad.
20. remorse- deep and painful regret for wrong doing.
I have a lot of remorse about the things i did in my past.