Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Lord of the Flies Vocab/Sentence 5

41. taylor made a parody of what i was doing; he laughed about it, but i didnt.
42.when cars go by, it tends to parried away the buzzerds in the road.
43.when we finaly reached the pinnacles of the mountain, the view was beautiful.
44. james lived a rueful like, and he wishes he could do it all over again.
45.cathy was talking tacitly, you could hardely hear a word she was saying.
46.the little boy was vexing me, i was about to hit him if he didnt shut up.
47.we had to make many vicissitudes on my dress to make sure it was perfect. little sister has a very vivid imagination.
49. people say that im vulnerable, because i let things get to me too easy.
50.the boys were being very truculent in their argument.

Lord of the Flies Vocab 5

41. parody-imitation, spoof
42.parried-ward off, circumvent
43.pinnacles-top, crest
-peak, most, highest
-highest point
44.rueful- regretfull
- ashamed
- being sorry that you did something
-to talk under your breath
46.vexed-distress, bother
-to annoy
48.vivid-intense, powerful
49.vulnurable-open to attack
-tender hearted
50.truculent- ferociously cruel astions
- violence

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Lord of the Flies Voc/Sentence 4

31. there love was so interminable, i knew that they would last forever.
32. her new painting was iridescent, it was filled with colors.
33. all the lamentation at the funeral will make it one to remember for years to come.
34. i need to get rid of my malevolent friends, because they are always doing things behind my back.
35. my mom couldnt hear the person on the phone, so she muted the tv.
36. my neighbor was acting very obscure.
37. the obtuse theives got cought, because they didnt know what they were doing.
38.the officious leader was soon disliked by his followers because he expected too much out of them.
39. the opalescence lights shined so bright, you can see it from mars!
40. the lake at my camp was very opaque, you couldnt even see the shallow parts of the water.

Lord of the Flies Vocab 4

-boundless, limitless
-never ending
32.iridescent-rainbow colored
-many colors
33.lamentation-weeping and making sad sounds
-being depressed
-behind ones back
-doing something knowing your not supposes to be doing
35.muted-muffle, tone down sound
-lower sound
36. obscurely-dimly
37.obtuseness-unintelligence, inexperience
38.officious- self- important, dictatorial
39.opalescence-gloss, shine
40.opaque- clouded, muddy
-not clear

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Lord of the Flies Vocab/Sentence 3

21. the dubious boy had no self confidence, and therefore he didnt go to prom.
22. sara is ebullience, she is always ready to do something fun and outgoing.
23. the last time i went to the zoo, i was terrified by the ferocity of the lions.
24. the survivers flourished to find any trace of food.
25. when the plane crashed, it landed in the middle of foliage.
26. the furtive theaft got away with all the jewls.
27. the baby bird was in grave danger, and its mom couldnt save it.
28. after so many years of being teased, sarah became strong and impervious to what others say.
29. the three old witches were busy making an incantation.
30. the inscrutable young boy was made into a big deal, but he says he is not hidding anything.

Lord of the Flies Vocab 3

21.dubious-doubtful; marked be or occasioning doubt
-having doubt
22. ebullience- high spirits;exhiliration; exuberance
-to be high spirited
23.ferocity-a ferocious quality or state; savage fierceness
-to be fierce and wild
24.flourished-to be in a vigorous state; thrive
-grow, increase
-to want something
25.foliage-the leaves of a plant collectively;leafage
-plants, trees, greenage
26.furtive-sneaky, secretive
-being sly
27.grave-seriouse; gloomy
-sad, down
28.impervious-unable to be penetrated
-you are imune to something
29.incantation-spell, magic
-a chant, or saying
30.inscrutable.hidden, mysteriouse, blank

Lord of the Flies DQs 4

1. Who "still felt the unease of wrongdoing?"
2. Who was affected by the "taboo of the old life?"
- Roger

3. How was Jack "liberated from the shame of self-consciousness?"
-By painting on a mask-he danced and his laughter became a blood thirsty sharling, he capered toward Bill, and the mask was a thing on its own.

Why did the "littluns" always obey the summons of the conch?
4.-Partly because Ralph blew it, and he was big enough to be a link with adult world of authority.
5.-They enjoyed the entertainment of the assemblies.

6. Why did Jack want Samneric to get him a coconut?
- He wanted and empty coconut to put water in to look at his reflection.

7. Why weren't the boys rescued?
-nobody knows that they are there because they let the fire go out.

8.Why were the littluns used to "Stomach aches and a sort or chronicdiarrheoa?"
-they ate most of the day picking fruit where they could reach it and not particular about ripeness and quality.

Who said it?

9. "You don't half look a mess"

10. "They don't smell me. They see me, I think. Something pink, under the trees."

Lord of the Flies DQs 3

1. What is Jack doing as the chapter opens (be specific)?
-he is in the jungle stalking pigs through the undergrowth - tracking pigs.

2. Ralph and _________ are building huts.

3. Why can't Jack get the pig to stay on his spear?
-he has no barbs- if only we could make barbs

4. All the hunters but Jack have gone where?
-to the lagoon to go swimming

5. Who helps the littluns get fruit?

6 . At the end of the chapter, where does Simon go?
-deep in the jungle.

Who Said it? (Indicate page number)

7. "We want meat!"
-the hunters and jack pg. 51 & 54

8. "I was talking about smoke! Don't you want to be rescued? All you talkabout it pig,pig pig!"
pg. 54
9. "I thought I might kill"
-simon pg. 51

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Lord of the Flies: Sentence/Vocabulary List 2

11. The credulous boy didn't know quite what to do when he found out his dog was missing.
12. The cynical man got away with his crime and now it is possible that he will do this again.
13. I was rolling down the declivity and rolled right into a tree.
14. The decorous woman won a prize for how she decorates her house.
15. When my ex-boyfriend asked me to marry him, I found a demure response.
16. The kids in my class are being derisive, they always make fun of me.
17. The shy boy was diffident.
18. My friend Matt is discursive.
19. I had to disentangle myself from the grapevine.
20. My boss fired me for disinclination.

Lord of the Flies: Vocabulary List 2

11. Credulously: Ready to believe-especially on slight or uncertain evidence
Synonym: Gulable
MD: To believe easily

12. Cynically: Contemptuously distrustful of human nature and motives
Synonym: Evil
MD: Being evil or mean

13. Declivities: Downward inclination
Synonym: Slope
MD: downward hill

14. Decorous: Marked by property and good taste
Synonym: Wealthy
MD: To judge by what someone has

15. Demur: Hesitation
Synonym: Hesitate
MD: To pause for an answer

16. Derisive: Expressing or characterized by derision
Synonym: Mocking
MD: To mock-imitate

17. Diffidently: Lacking confidence
Synonym: Not confident
MD: Having no confidence

18. Discursive: Passing from one topic to another
Synonym: ADHD
MD: To constantly be having to do something/over active

19. Disentangled: To free or become free from entanglement
Synonym: Freedom
MD: To be set free

20. Disinclination: To make or be unwilling
Synonym: Not willing
MD: Not wanting to do something

Monday, October 19, 2009

Lord of the Flies: Sentence/Vocabulary List 1

1. Last summer, we went scuba diving and discovered a sunkin ship deep down in the abyss.

2. My Latin teacher can articulate in six different languages.

3. The explorers were trapped in a bastion in the mountains.

4. My ex-boyfriend consistently committed social blunders in public.

5. The cascades in the forest were so beautiful, but it seemed like there was no end.

6. The air was compressed in the sealed compartment.

7. Some girls are so mean, they tend to give you contemptuouse looks.

8. The guilty woman was contrite as she went before the judge.

9. The corpulent boy, picked me up and carried me away.

10. The money the robbers converted was so well, that they left no traces of it at all.

DQ's 2- Lord of the Flies

1. Who is the only one who may interrupt the speaker holding the conch?
  • Ralph

2. Who saw the beast/beastie/snake-like thing?

  • 6-year old little boy

3. Who says, again and again that there isn't a beast?

  • Ralph

4. On page 37, Ralph makes a two-fold "mission statement". What are the two parts?

  • 1.Have fun
  • 2.Get rescued

5. Why do they need a fire?

  • So they can be found.

6. What did the boys use to start the fire?

  • Specticals

7. Who is the first boy to die?

  • 6-year old boy.

Who said it? (remember to indicate page numbers)

8. "How do you expect to be rescued if you don't put first things first and act proper?

  • Piggy

9. "I told you to. I told you to get a list of names!"

  • Ralph

10. "We'll have rules! Lots of rules! Then when anyone breaks'em-"

  • Jack

DQ's 1- Lord of the Flies

1. How did the boys arrive on the island?
  • The plane was shot down.

2. How did Ralph call the first meeting?

  • He found a conch and blew it.

3. What are the names of the twins?

  • Sam and Eric

4. What does Ralph's dad do?

  • Royal Navy

5. What nationality are the boys?

  • British

6. The island was roughly ____ shaped.

  • Boat

7. What is the "scar?"

  • Sand bar

8. For whom did Piggy vote as chief?

  • Ralph

9. Who went to make sure the island was really an island?

  • A. Ralph
  • B. Jack
  • C. Simon

10. Who is your favorite charactor so far?

  • Ralph

200 Word.....Who should survive?

The storm has hit us hard and there is only room for five of us in the life boat. Who will get to survive? This will be a very tough decision, but we do not have long to decide. First, we must pick out the good and useful people. I think that it would be a bad idea to pick out someone really dingy, that would only cause us more problems. I personally think that Dr. Dane would do very well with us, he has good health and knows how to work with boats. Bobby would be quite helpful, he has been through survival training and he can help out a lot. Mr. Blake is a hand man, he can provide all the knowledge for all the hands on things. I would have to think really hard about Mr. Newton. The only good thing about him, is that he can take care of any medical problems that may arrise. Jean Garcia is only three months old, and can not save himself. So it would only be right that we save him as well. Now that we have a crew, it is time to rush to shelter. There is absolutely no hope for us, but we must do our best to live as long as we possibly can. To survive is not a gift, but something you have to work at.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Lord of the Flies: Vocabulary List 1

1.) Abyss-a deep, immeasurable space, gulf, or cavity


-A really deep hole

2.) Articulate-capable of speech, not speechless


- Ability to speak

3.) Bastion- a fortified place

- Fortress

- A protected place

4.) Blundered- a gross, stupid, or careless mistake

- Error

- Mistake

5.) Cascades- a waterfall descending over a steep, rocky surface

- Avalanche

- Resembling a waterfall

6.) Compressed- Pressed together

- Squeeze

- Close together

7.) Contemptuously- Showing or expressing contempt or disdain, scornful

- Arrogant

- To be scornful

8.) Contrite- Caused by or showing sincere remorse

- Remorseful

- Repentant

9.) Corpulent- Large gut bulky of body

- Tubby

- To be chunky

10.) Covert- A covering

- Buried

- To cover

Thursday, October 1, 2009
