Sunday, November 29, 2009

Julius Caesar: Act I Reading and Study Guide

I. Vocabulary: Be able to define the following words and understand them when they appear in the play.

Wherefore- for the cause or reason (why)

Exeunt- used as a stage direction to indicate and two or more performers leave the stage

Vulgar- characterized by ignorance of or lack of good breeding
  • What part of speech is vulgar when used by Flavius in line 72? NOUN

Construe- to give the meaning or intention of ; explain; to interpret

II. Literary Terms: Be able to define each term and apply each term to the play.

blank verse: unrhymed verse or lines.

  • List characters who speak in verse- FLAVIUS, FIRST COMMONER

prose: written, non rhythmic literature

  • List characters who speak in prose- CAESAR

**What possible reason do some characters speak in prose and some speak in verse? Because it's a play from the older century's.

tragedy- disaster

pun- play on words

  • Example from Act I, scene I:

conflict- fight, warfare

External: 1. man vs. man

2. man vs. society

3. man vs. nature

Internal: 4. man vs. self

Sililoquy: a long speech given by a character while alone on stage to reveal his/her private thoughts or intentions.

Example: Casca begins plotting how to win over Brutus in a siloloquy that begins with these lines: Well, Brutus, thou art noble; yet I see thy honorable mettle may be wrought from that it is disposed

iambic meter:

iambic pentameter: a fixed pattern of rhythem, or meter in which most lines contain 5 unstressed syllables each followed by a teased syllable.

metaphor: saying something is what it's really not

Example: time flys

simile: uses "like or as" to compare something

Example: Her teeth were as white as snow.

III. Questions: Answer the following questions:


  1. Where and when was Shakespeare born? April 23, 1564 in Stanford-Upon-Avon, England
  2. What theatre did Shakespeare help build? Globe Theatre-Opened in 1599, also known as "The Wooden O".
  3. When did he die? April 23, 1616
  4. In what historical period was Shakespeare living? Who was the ruler of England at that time? The Elizabethan Period.... Queen Elizabeth I was ruler at that time.
  5. What three types of plays did Shakespeare write? Give and example of each. Tragic Comedies, Romances and Problem plays.
  6. What was it like to go to a play during Shakespeare's time? An honor
  7. What historian did Shakespeare use as a source for writing Julius Caesar? Queen Elizabeth
  8. When and where did Julius Caesar live? Rome- 100 to 44 BC
  9. Who is Pompey? Although he is not a character in the play, why is he important to the plot? He was Julius Caesar's enemy

Scene 1:

10. What is the setting? What holiday is being celebrated? Rome and Indes of March

12. Who are Marullus and Flavius? Members of the Council

13. Why do they want to drive the commoners from the street? Because they do not like Caesar or his celebration.

14. What else do Marullus and Flavius do to further hinder the celebration of Caesar's victory? Ruin the stutues.

Scene 2:

15. What does Caesar tell Antony to do to Calpurnia? Keep her at the house

16. Why might Caesar ask Antony in front of everyone else? Because he is his most loyal friend

17. What is soothsayer? Of what does he warn Caesar? Someone who can predict the future- Beware the Ides of March.

18. What does ides mean? The 15th of every month in the Roman Calendar

19. Does Marcus Brutus like Caesar? What does Brutus think of Caesar's rise to power? Use lines from the play to support your answer. He respects him- Brutus is Caesar's good friend, but does not want him in power- No, Cassius for the eye cannot see itself, except when it's reflected by something else.

20. Brutus says, "For let the gods so speed me as I love/ The name of honor more than I fear death." What do these lines imply Brutu's most important value in life? That he fears the man in power, but also respects him.

21. What story does Cassius tell Brutus? He and Caesar had a swimming race in the Tiber River and he had to save Caesar's life.

22. What is Cassius point in telling this story? He is trying to convince Brutus that Caesar is not as great as he seems.

23. What is Caesar's opinion of Cassius? Why does he feel this way? He thinks too much and is dangerous, he reads to much.

24. What handicap does Caesar reveal about himself when speaking to Antony? One of his ears is deaf.

25. How many times was Caesar offered a coronet, or a small crown? 3 times

26. What was Ceasar's reaction to the offering, according to Casca? He fainted and fell down.

27. What sickness does Caesar have? Epolopsy

28. What happens to Marullus and Flavius? They were put to death

29. What does Cassius plan to do to convince Brutus to conspire against Caesar? He is going to manipulate him

Scene 3:

30. What unusual events occur during the storm? In his dream Caesar saw a slave who cought people on fire.

31. What meaning does Cassius interpret fromt he storm? That is was a sign that something bas was going to happen.

32. According to Casca, what are the senators planning to do to Caesar tomorrow? Kill Caesar

33. Who is definitely part of the conspiracy?

1. Metellus 4. Marullus

2. Casca 5. Flavius

3. Cassius 6. Coronel

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