Friday, August 21, 2009

speak vocab

1.obscene- offensive to morality or decency, repulsive
the construstion worker used obscene language when he hit his thumb with a hammer.
- the reaction from the punch was obscene.
2.abstinence- denying self any form of indulgence, appetite, or craving
many catholics practice abstenence from various foods, pastimes, or indulgences as part of the season of lent.
- IN church, we learned about abstanence.
3.savant- a person of learning, especially one with detailed knowledge in same specialized field.
the young man was considered a savant because he was a mathmatical genious at an early age.
- my brother is a savant, he sciped three grades.
4. thespian- dramatic actor
the international thespian society is an honorary organization for high school and middle school theatre students.
- there are a lot of thespian girls at my school.
5.fascism- a political philosophy, movement, or regime ( as the fascists) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a government headed by a dictatorial leader.
Adolf hitler was appointed chancellor in 1933, and quickly established a totalitarian and fascist dictatorship.
- The president made a fascist decision.
6.predator- one that preys, destroys, or devours.
to human predators, you are prey, and they have no conscience about harming or killing others.
- when i go huning, i am the predator.
7.indoctrination- instruct, with doctrines,theories, beliefs can also be brainwashing.
cult leaders often indoctrinate their followers with beliefs that give the leaders a place of power over them.
- when you stop going to school in causes indoctrination, you lose all your knowlegde.
8.morphing- a special effect process used in film or video production in which persons of objects seam to change shape, form, etc., in a smooth way, created in a digital environment.
the movie willow ( 1988), introduces the echnique of morphing and trasnforming a goat into a woman.
- in a lot of fiction movies, you will see morphing. tramatis stress disorder- PTSD is an anxiety disorder that occurs in the aftermath of a troumatis event. examples are combat, rape, and natural disorder. PTSD is diagnosed six months after the troumatis event. Three mayjor symptoms are: heightened, startle response, easily scared and irritatibility.
- my sister was suffering from PTSD after she got raped.
10.potpourri- a mixture of flowers, herbs, and spices that is usually kept in a jar and used for scent.
- we got potpourri to put in our house, because it was so plain looking on the inside.
11.paparazzi- a freelance photographer who aggressively pursues celebrities for the purpose of taking candid photographs.
the poparazzi surrounding Lindsey Lohan when she wrecked her Mercedes and was falling out of the car because she was impaired.
- every time i go out in public, i see people, and it feels like they are paparazzi because they wont leave me alone.
12.inspiration- an inspiring or animatiny acton or influence: i cannot writ poety without inspiration.
- when i am writting my poems, the thing that inspires me is boys, and how i feel about them.
13.expiration-a coming to am end, termination, close.
- the expiration on my milk had come to an end.
14.floundering- to make clumsy attempts to move or regain ones balance.
- i am very floundering when i walk to my classes every day.
15.blathers- to talk without making sense.
- sometimes i will catch myself blathering, and i have to stop myself and correct my speach.
16.interim- a temporary arrangement, stopping , make stiff. the company had an interim CED after the original one was fired for taking huge bonuses durring an economic recession.
- we had to get an interim to teach math, because our teacher is very sick.
17.drones- a male bee, especially a honey bee, that is characteristically stingless,performs no work, and produces no honey. its only function is to mate with the queen bee.
2. an idle person who lives off others, a loafer.
3. a person who does tedious or menial work; a drudge
- My friend is a drone, he practically lives off of my mother and i.
18.xenophobic- a person who is very fearfullor disliking of foreigners, people frm other countries, or strangers.
- I am pretty certain that my geology teacher is xenophobic, he gets really sketchy around certain people.
19.sun shadow mandala- mandalas are symbolic, circular designs that represent outer(sun) and inner (shadow) dinensions of a persons personality.
- in avid last year, we made sun shadow mandalas that represent us.
20.redemption- the act or process of redeeming or the state of being redeemed.
- in church, we talk about redemption.
21.redeem- to buy or pay off; to rocover what has been lost; to discharge in full; to deliver from sin and the consequences by means of a sacrifice offered for the sinner.
- when my father died, i had to redeem myself, and now i am finaly back up on my feet.
22.abysmal- extremely or hopelesly bad ot severe:abysmal ignorance, abysmal poverty
- the presure being put on me was so abysmal, it drove me insane.
23.demure- characterized by shyness and modesty; reserved
- people often classify me as demure, they think i am too shy.
24.begoted- utterly intolerant of any creed, belief, or opinion that deffers from ones own.
- the science teacher was extremely begoted, she had no tolerance.
25.asphyxiated- to cause to die or lose consciousness by impairing normal breathing, as by gas or other noxious, choke, suffocate, smother.
- the girl was so upset about the boy breaking her heart, that she asphyxiated herself.
26.classical- of or pertaining to, or characteristic of greek and roman antiquity
- at my school, every year, we do the same old classical play.
27.cubism- a style of painting and sculpture developed in the early 20th century, characterized be the emphasis of formal structure- geometrical shapes.
- in art class, we are studying the art of cubism.

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