Tuesday, August 11, 2009

vocab words

1. solicit-to seek for (something) by earnest or respectful request, formal application, etc.
There will be no soliciting durring school hours.
2. mad-mentaly disturbed;deranged; insane; demented
Sally got mad at me because i was talking to her ex boyfriend.
3. succinct- expressed in few words;concise;terse
When the couple broke up, they had a very succinct discussion.
4. phantasm- an illusory likeness of something
A mother and her doughter has a great deal ofphantasm.
5. docile- easily managed or handled
The little kids that i babysit are very docile.
6. disposition- the predominant or prevailing tendancy of one'sspirits;natural mental and emotional outlook or mood; characteristic attitude
I know many people who have a dispositon about school.
7. sagacious- having or showing keen discernment, and sound judgment
The movie producers have sagacious arguments about their movies.
8. paltry- lacking in importance or worth; trivial
In highschool, the kids will point you out as paltry.
9.gossamer- something delicate, light, or flimsy
The ring my dad gave my mom is very gossamer.
10. fidelety- faithfullness to obligations, duties, or observances
The cheerleaders on our team are supposed to be fidelety about cheerleading.
11. procure- to get by special effort; obtain or acquire
The children all procure in school.
12.allusion- the act of alludong;inderect reference
In the dessert, you may tend to see allusions.
13. intemperance- excessive use of alchoholic beverages
My uncle is a man of intemperance.
14.maltreat- to treat in a rough or cruel way; abuse
My ex boyfriend used to maltreat me.
15. scruple- a moral or ethical consideration or standard that acts as a restraining force or inhibits certain actions
The teachers scruple against the students.
16. malevolence- ill will;malice; hatred
Why do you have malevolence against me?
17. atrocity- the quality of being extreemely or shockingly wicked, cruel, or brutal
The women are atrocious.
18. debauch-a period of wantom self- indulgence, an excessive party which includes consumption of alchohol.
We are going to have a debauch party this friday night.
19. sentiment- a mental feeling, emotion
Everyone has sentiment, expecially when they are sad.
20. remorse- deep and painful regret for wrong doing.
I have a lot of remorse about the things i did in my past.

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