Friday, September 11, 2009

antwon fisher DQs

1. antwon gets into a lot of fights. do you think that he fights because people have made him angry or he is angry already?
-i think that he has a lot of anger built up, and when someone does something that is really not all that bad, he just goes off on them.
2. when antwon first goes to see the therapist, he is very vague with information about his background. why would he not just come out with all his history? is he hiding something?? how is antwon different or the same as Melinda sordino in speak?
-he doesnt want to go, and he thinks that he doesnt need help. neither of them wanted to tell people there business.
3. why does antwon say that he should just go to the brig? how would that be easier for him than the alternative that he is givin?
-he doesnt want to talk, he would rather just be somewhere else.
4. when his shipmates are talking about going home for the holiday, antwon ignores the question. why?
-he was listening to his music and thinking about his childhood.
5. durring the thanksgiving dinner and the doctors house, antwon is put in an awkward situation when the doctors father asks him a question. why was it awkward for him?
-the man asked him if he missed his mammas cooking
6. the doctor at one point says that forgiveness is a way of freeing yourself. do you agree? talk about antwan and melinda in terms of forgiving themselves. what would they be forgiving themselves for? why?
-i do agree. they both got raped and they have to let go of it.
7. discuss two possible themes of antwon fisher? are there simalar themes in speak? explain.
- you cant let your faps hold you back. forgive yourself for what you cant change. yes, they pretty much have the same themes.

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