Tuesday, September 1, 2009

SAT prep

*abhor- hate
1) i abhor going to the dentist because it only means pain to me.
- i abhor seeing ex-boyfriends, bucause it makes me feel unconforitably.
*bigot- narrow minded, prejudiced person
1) adolf hitler was both a bigot and insane.
- i try to avoid bigot people, they just cause me trouble.
*counterfeit-fake, false
1) it was obvious that the hundred dollar bill was a counterfeit, it had abrahan lincoln on the front.
- the robery was counterfeit, it was just a distraction to get the bomb in the police station.
*noxious- harmfull, poisonous, lethal
1) the venom of vampires is noxious but it can bring eternal life if the victim doesnt die first.
-the exploorers came across a noxious drug, it nearly killed them all.
*placid- calm, peaceful
1) when all seams placid, beware the storm is coming.
-the water at the lake is placis in the morning, but when the boats start to go out it gets rough.
*talisman-lucky charm
1)a rabbits foot is considdered to be a talisman of good luck.
-my boyfriend always winns his baseball games when i go watch him, he says i am his talisman of good luck.
*covert-hidden; under cover
1)the rainy weather in seatle, washington makes it possible for vampires to live covertly.
-a lot of the time, people will have covert thoughts and they can get pretty mean.

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