Tuesday, September 1, 2009

speak 3 DQs

Discuss what precipitates Melinda’s skipping school and what she does.
- she skips just to get away. on a free day to be all to herself. she calls it a mental health day.

Was being a child better than being a teenager? In what ways? In what ways is it better to be older? Why is it hard to be in between childhood and adulthood?
- yes, it was so much easier. no responsibilities, no worries, no troubles. you get to do more things. you are stuck with so many different decisions. there is all this drama involved in your life.

Analyze the reference to the symbols in The Scarlet Letter and how Melinda would adapt the letter “A.”
-they stand for different things.

Discuss the dissolution of Melinda and Heather’s friendship and the effect it has on Melinda. What is the meaning of friendship?
- melinda stoped putting up with heathers crap and ditching her all the time. friends are supposed to be there for you through the good and bad. they shouldnt just drop you cus you dont belong in a group that isnt even good for you.

Analyze the events and effects of Valentine’s Day on Melinda and the aftermath.
- heather gave her a card and the friendship braclett that melinda gave her. it was not too good of a day

Melinda wishes her science teacher would teach them about love and betrayal instead of about the birds and the bees. Where do we learn about things like that? Can we learn about love from a book? Explain? by being in a relationship, by having a broken heart, you can read about it sing about it hear about it and talk about it. but its hard to find it.

Discuss what happens when Melinda is placed in In-School Suspension. How would you react to this situation?
andy evans came, i would feel upset, occward, and scared.

Analyze Mr. Freeman’s effect on Melinda, inside and outside the art class. Do you agree with his statement, “When people don’t express themselves, they die one piece at a time.”
he is trying to get her to do her best and to open up to him. i agree. it happens to people all the time.

Mr. Freeman tells his class, “You must walk alone to find your soul.” What does this mean? Is it true? What is a soul?
- only you know who you are and what you need, you have to do what is best for you and fight for it because you know that you need it so badly. when you know that something is supposed to be a certain way, you have to do everything you can to get it that way!

Mr. Freeman also says that “art is about making mistakes and learning from them.” What else is like this? Explain.
- life, i have made many mistakes in my life, and i learned from them. i will never do those things again. you will regret things, and it will just eat at you on the inside uptil it gobbles you all up

Examine Melinda’s self-image and her survival techniques after Heather’s rejection.
-she just looks depressed and upset. she brushes it off

Examine Melinda’s revelation about the night of the party and its residual effect on her.
- she goes to the place where it happened

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