Thursday, October 22, 2009

Lord of the Flies Vocab 3

21.dubious-doubtful; marked be or occasioning doubt
-having doubt
22. ebullience- high spirits;exhiliration; exuberance
-to be high spirited
23.ferocity-a ferocious quality or state; savage fierceness
-to be fierce and wild
24.flourished-to be in a vigorous state; thrive
-grow, increase
-to want something
25.foliage-the leaves of a plant collectively;leafage
-plants, trees, greenage
26.furtive-sneaky, secretive
-being sly
27.grave-seriouse; gloomy
-sad, down
28.impervious-unable to be penetrated
-you are imune to something
29.incantation-spell, magic
-a chant, or saying
30.inscrutable.hidden, mysteriouse, blank

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