Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Lord of the Flies: Vocabulary List 2

11. Credulously: Ready to believe-especially on slight or uncertain evidence
Synonym: Gulable
MD: To believe easily

12. Cynically: Contemptuously distrustful of human nature and motives
Synonym: Evil
MD: Being evil or mean

13. Declivities: Downward inclination
Synonym: Slope
MD: downward hill

14. Decorous: Marked by property and good taste
Synonym: Wealthy
MD: To judge by what someone has

15. Demur: Hesitation
Synonym: Hesitate
MD: To pause for an answer

16. Derisive: Expressing or characterized by derision
Synonym: Mocking
MD: To mock-imitate

17. Diffidently: Lacking confidence
Synonym: Not confident
MD: Having no confidence

18. Discursive: Passing from one topic to another
Synonym: ADHD
MD: To constantly be having to do something/over active

19. Disentangled: To free or become free from entanglement
Synonym: Freedom
MD: To be set free

20. Disinclination: To make or be unwilling
Synonym: Not willing
MD: Not wanting to do something

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